Speaking Engagements

If your organization is looking for an ERG event, need assistance implementing a diversity & inclusion experience, or just want to tackle gender stereotypes at the office — I would love to help.

Based on feedback and conversations over the last year, I've come to identify the most pressing issues around gender inequality — those that affect both home and work. I've turned this into 10 Conversation Starters that make for rich discussions and workshops for a variety of groups and organizations.

Based on work with corporations, universities and NGOs I have come to identify the most pressing gender issues that affect both home and work. These are not just “women’s issues.” Gender norms are restrictive to all of us.

I've turned this into 10 Conversation Starters that make for rich discussions and workshops for a variety of groups and organizations. Examples include:

  • Pressure to “providing for my family.”
  • Caregiving responsibilities outside work –
    and how they affect my professional capacity.
  • Cognitive labor at home and at work.
  • Non-promotable tasks.
  • Gender identity and expectations.
For more information please feel free to reach out to askkatemangino@gmail.com


"Kate's presentation was FANTASTIC. Her calm, collected, kind and empathetic way of communicating really connected with the audience."

"I’m in awe of how easily Kate navigates language and issues that are often sensitive. We loved working with her, and based on the thoughtful questions we received, it’s clear this topic resonated with our audience."

"The interaction with participants exceeded expectations."
—Ohio State University / WIMS (Women in Medicine and Science)

"Thank you so much for spending the afternoon with us! It was such a powerful topic and workshop. The data and tactics you present are so important for so many workplaces and homes."

"Thank you for an amazing session. The response was absolutely phenomenal and it was clear that the topics resonated with so many of our colleagues from all walks of life."

"Our organization engaged in a month-long workshop with Kate, and it was an incredibly powerful learning experience for two dozen dads...myself included! Kate's down-to-Earth approach to the work truly met dads where they're at, and led to a comfortable and engaging learning environment."
—Dad Guild